Dear friends,
I don't know about you but sometimes I fight some real battles. Sometimes I look at the road in front of me and think, "I just can't do this." It's in those moments I hear the One who called me say, "Yes, you can. I'm here. Because I am here, you can." To those who have never met that One, this conversation seems twisted at best. Yet, in those words we can find solace. Can you imagine the conversations Abram had with God. In my brain, it might have gone something like this:
God: "Leave Ur and go where I tell you."
Abram: “Where?”
God : “That doesn’t matter, just go.”
Abram : “Okay.”
God : “Next, Go south.”
Abram : “Hmmm, okay. Then, what.”
God : “Don’t worry about it, just go.”
Abram : “Okay, but I don’t understand.”
God : “That’s okay, just go.”
After some time of this kind of leadership, God promises Abram not only the land but a whole nation proceeding from him. I think I would laugh, too.
“Are you kidding? I’m old. Sarah is old. I’m not even sure I want a child now. I certainly couldn’t keep up with him. We’re going to be parents? We have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.”
“Trust me.”
Genesis 15:6 says, "Abram believed the Lord and He credited it to him for righteousness."
Pleasing our Lord is important. We please Him when we trust Him. He has called you to further education. Why? I can't answer for you except that God has called and you have responded. You might feel like "going back to Ur." Don't. Just keep pressing forward. Your own past with Him has proven Him true to His word. He will make sure you make it. Trust Him. "Faithful is he who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass." (1Th 5:24) (Message by Dr. Robert Hale, ATS).
Well, I don’t know the specificity of the area or situation that you feel like asking God, “Hmmm, okay. Then, what” as Abram did, but I want to assure you that TRUSTING His judgment no matter what, guarantees peace and lasting joy. I love what Dr. Rich Nathan, pastor of Vineyard Columbus said recently, “My confidence is not so much in my ability to follow God but in His ability to LEAD”. Let’s be sincere with ourselves, sometimes I don’t feel like following where I think He’s leading.
Like my pastor usually say, “2 + 2 is not always equal to 4” when it comes to dealing with God. That’s interesting. I don’t know about you, but I have quit bragging about my ABILITY to follow Him but now relish on His ABILITY to LEAD me. It’s my prayer that beginning from this month of August, whatever situation is making you doubt His ability to bring His promises to pass in your life will effortlessly TURN around in the precious name of Jesus.
Like my pastor usually say, “2 + 2 is not always equal to 4” when it comes to dealing with God. That’s interesting. I don’t know about you, but I have quit bragging about my ABILITY to follow Him but now relish on His ABILITY to LEAD me. It’s my prayer that beginning from this month of August, whatever situation is making you doubt His ability to bring His promises to pass in your life will effortlessly TURN around in the precious name of Jesus.
Hear me! It's not over with you! It's not over with your career! It's not over with your marriage! You will still carry your own baby like Sarah carried Isaac no matter the medical, physiological or whatever report! Your desired spouse will be connected to you miraculously very soon! That wayward child is coming back! Your ministry or church is not going down! That sickness in your body will not take you out! YOU ARE NOT GOING DOWN!
Don’t forget, no matter what you are going through, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO WIN.
On behalf of my Lump of Delight – Oludolapo, my beautiful angels – Faith and Blessing and the conqueror – Isaac, I am saying welcome to the beginning of a new season in your life, family, career and ministry. Remember to leave your comment below on this page. Love you.
In His ever increasing love,
Sam Kuye