Tuesday, October 06, 2009


A good friend of mine just had an experience and here was his comment, "Am mad as hell! I just got pulled over in my own neighborhood. My crime: am a black man driving an Escalade in a nice neighborhood!"

When I heard that, some thoughts came to my mind and I feel like sharing them with you. Read and enjoy it…

Black and lack are not synonymous! Being black does not mean you are dark. To be dark is to be ignorant, and it has nothing to do with the color of your skin but has everything to do with the state of your MIND. If you carry a first class MIND, nothing can resist your shining. And your shining is a function of the intensity of your LIGHT.

Light signifies success, advancement, progress etc. I have met a lot of people who are not BLACK but very DARK. When you are DARK, you are gullible and can be deceived or deceive yourself easily…the king of deception is the man the holy writ called, the PRINCE OF DARKNESS. The word prince means FIRST. That means the number one person to possess a DARK mind is that great enemy, and every other DARK person you see around is just being deceived into working with THE prince of DARKNESS.

My advice: The only solution to darkness is LIGHT. If you are black and you focus on increasing the INTENSITY of the LIGHT in your greatest asset – MIND. You will not only live in a nice neighborhood, ride escalade, fly a jet but also become an instrument that dislodges DARKNESS wherever you go. No matter the color of your skin – white, black, yellow or whatever, darkness has no regard for you. Only “LIGHT-minded” people will be able to ride on their high places in this world. Either in my village, United States, Canada, Europe, Iraq, China, Haiti or anywhere, LIGHT has the same EFFECT. Shine!!!